Claim yo.ur (re)BIRth

For the woman who can feel in her bones that motherhood is meant to be different. For the woman who deeply desires to lead her family and community by soulful, discerning example. For the woman who is aware of the significance and is fully embracing the transition from

Ma.iden to mo.ther

The one thing I Know for ceRtain is…

Mother is the most magical role a woman can embody. Period. Its power and importance have been undermined and suppressed for centuries, but it lives on inside all of us, waiting to be awakened.

There is one sacred place where the incredible force of Mother is wholly undeniable. A place where time stops and everything else ceases to exist.

The portal of birth.

It is here that the energy of Mother is activated as we are initiated into the mightiest of all roles by literally bringing new life into the world. What is more important and powerful than that? Absolutely nothing. 

And yet, despite its most obvious power, the momentous event of birth is hardly spoken of, let alone interpreted, as we are swept into the whirlwind that is caring for a new baby.

By glossing over our birth experiences and chalking them up to “all’s well that end’s well,” we are missing out on the opportunity to read the code that runs our programming in the background of our lives. This code is a golden ticket that shows you so much of what needs to be seen, felt and healed in order to shift the course of our lives.

Without addressing these unearthed themes we continue on with our same struggles that are now magnified by raising a child. Our conditioning and skewed perspectives are perpetuated, our power stays suppressed and our misery increases.

It’s time to stop this train on its endless loop, spinning faster and faster out of control. Let’s slow down, retrieve your personal code and build a bridge to the life you deserve. Let’s Claim Your (Re)Birth.

Claim Your (re)Birth

is a six week, one-on-one coaching container to activate you in choosing and embodying your rebirth as the Mother. We start at the beginning; your pregnancy + birth story inform us of the challenges and patterns you are alchemizing and confronting in your emergence from the Underworld that is birth (no matter how long it’s been). This program is highly customized for each individual by blending your one-of-a-kind natal astrology, personal birth journey and current challenges to help you build a bridge and retrieve yourself from the purgatory that is the gap between the Maiden and the Mother.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • Your pregnancy + birth experience brought subconscious patterns to the surface through challenges and traumatic events that are now playing out in postpartum.

  • You are confronting and reconciling foundational parts of your upbringing and childhood that you now realize have a momentous underlying impact on your parenting and all areas of life.

  • Motherhood has lifted a veil and you cannot unsee the Truth. Your beliefs and perception of the world have completely shifted.

  • You feel isolated in your complete paradigm shift that has led to the discovery of the Mother you desire to be, but has no support or modeling.

  • You are craving the kind of simplicity that creates freedom and presence as well as the multidimensionality and depths that motherhood encompasses.

  • You viscerally feel the gravity of parenthood and the immense responsibility to choose your self-leadership.

  • You are dying to do things your way to lead your family and community by example.

  • You desire personalized guidance in how to block out the noise, shed the conditioning and take charge of your story/life.

 This one is for the woman who is ready to lean into the fires of initiation through storytelling, shadow woRk, and the wisdom of astrology.


how your biRth story guides us:

Contextualizes your limiting beliefs and fears

Uncovers your personal narrative

Reclaims your powerful womb

Expands into your motherhood journey

With knowingness and conviction

 by Claiming YouR (re)Birth
you will be able to. . .

Access your deepest personal wisdom by leaning into the painful patterns revealed by your initiation.

Meet the Huntress inside of you that is ravenous to reclaim the rawness and juice of motherhood.

Shed the lifeless layers of bullshit that keep us compliant and disempowered.

Find your voice, liberating you from the patriarchal paradigm that leaves you disconnected from the knowing that lives in your bones.

Cultivate an easily accessible state of groundedness by reorienting to what actually matters to YOU.

Incorporate customized rituals and practices curated by your relationship to the elements.

Embrace your power as the foundation to a healthy family unit and community.

Claim your Aliveness ignited by biRth.


6 Weeks of High-LeveL 1:1 SuppoRt, plus:

  • Three 1:1 Sessions

    Live, virtual 1:1 sessions with Kerry

  • Unlimited Voxer Support

    During business hours, unlimited Voxer messaging support for the duration of your 6 weeks

  • Rituals & Practices

    For embodiment and integration, customized to you

  • Follow-Up Emails

    To support your integration beyond the container

Call & Practice pillars

Ready to get staRted?

Option 1:


Option 2:
$499 x 2


Option 3:
$333 x 3


Love notes from CLients:

I am here to serve as your river banks as you flow towards the woman you are meant to be.

Hiding is no longer an option.

My Core Values

HoW TO StaRt Your

Claim YouR (re)BiRth JouRney:

Item 1 of 2

Frequently Asked Questions


Imagine If You CouLd…

  • Reframe your heroine’s journey as your greatest accomplishment.

  • Love and validate all the parts of you that have been denied, suppressed and shamed since childhood.

  • Reveal and alchemize your greatest pains into your most powerful tools.

  • Claim your part in the cycles that are being highlighted in your life and disrupt them.