Ignite. The Mothe.R Within.


You desire to claim the full transformation that birth and motherhood have to offer. You know we have been stripped from this coveted initiation by the modernized world. You are seeking guidance to confirm the whispers of your intuition telling you this season of life is foundational to your aliveness. You are merging the polarities of evidence based practice and the ancient wisdom of birth. You are seeking to ignite bone deep self-trust to guide your personal heroine’s journey.

That’s where I come in.

I am KeRRy StewaRt,

I am here as the bridge to your metamorphosis from Maiden to Mother. I am here to usher you into your own personal guidance system that lies beneath the noise and stories.  
Mother Star was birthed during my first postpartum period. Leading up to my daughter’s birth I was a practicing Labor and Delivery nurse in the hospital, yet planning for a home birth. I was toeing the line of my evolving belief system that valued choice and reclaiming my power versus the system I was so deeply indoctrinated in. After a “failed” home birth with a medical midwife that resulted in hospital care, my beliefs began to sprout roots of integration based on the brutal experience of being a patient. 

Once I experienced the fear-driven and manipulative abuse models of care as a birthing woman, I saw the complete lack of humanity, trust and respect for mothers in birth. I had to experience the restrictions of the system to set myself free.

This led me to create spaces for women to discover and embody their innate power. I create spaces that honor the unique perspective of every single heroine while using universally grounded principles and techniques.

Join me in person

Local to Middle Tennessee women, join our monthly Village Prenatal!
This is a women’s only circle for all wild women: pregnant women, new and seasoned mothers, maidens, crones alike.
These circles are centered around our pregnant mothers to nourish them in our stories as seasoned mothers, come back to nature and stillness, witness their fears and uncertainties and hold them in communal support. This circle is to remember that prenatal care belongs in the hands of women. Join us to revere the mystery and magic of birth.

has been the biggest force in awakening my raw + authentic power. Each of my births led to subsequent breakdowns + breakthroughs that I have met tenaciously head on. In the cracking open of birth, I have touched the most powerful parts of myself.

The portal of birth is the bridge from ideas and beliefs to embodiment and beingness. 

Integrating the experience and challenges faced in the birth portal renegotiates your life postpartum. If you’re desiring a deeper discovery into the portal of your own birth and motherhood journey, explore 1:1 support with me.


My Vision

My biggest vision for the new earth that we are collectively birthing is the remembrance of community based living.

I believe community is the key to our connection, intimacy and personal sovereignty. In order to realign with an authentic and sustainable community it is vital that we come home to ourselves individually. As womb carriers, the creators of life, choosing to claim your rite of passage into motherhood is your active rebellion to the current systems that leave us fragmented, isolated and contracted.

Your Sacred Guide foR prenataL, postpaRtum, and beyond.

Move from doubt and hyper-vigilance to confidence and ease.

From blame and feeling like a failure to self forgiveness and liberation.

From isolation and shame to community and connection.

Tune into my podcast

The Radical as a Mother Podcast is a real, humble space to explore the true power of motherhood and what it takes to build a life centered around valuing women and children in our modern world. Join me in story-led solo episodes as well as real conversations with local women in Kerry’s community. Each week we will dive into topics of leaving mainstream systems, creating a life based on your own Truth, simplifying back to gathering with local women, and tangible stories to support you in joining the revolution of radical womanhood.

The WoRk I Do

As a Human Design Manifestor, I am here to activate you through modeling my own transformation. I lead from the trenches and level the playing field with my transparent and vulnerable coaching style. I combine my years as a Labor and Delivery nurse, extensive astrology background, and my personal initiations (my most sacred teachers) of birth, trauma work + personal development to evoke potency and ferocity in mothers.

I have stepped into more chaos and realignment than I ever imagined possible. It is because of my tenacity to grow through pain that I have the capacity to hold you in your transformation.

“Stories are medicine. They have such power, they do not require that we do, be, act anything- we only need to listen. The remedies for repair or reclamation of any lost psychic drive are contained in stories. Stories engender the excitement, sadness, questions, longings, and understandings that spontaneously bring the archetype, in this case Wild Woman, back to the surface.”

— Women Who RUn With The Wolves


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